Sunil Kumar, also known as The Great Khali of Jammu, has taken on the spine-chilling role of Sarkata Bhoot in Stree 2. The film is the much-anticipated sequel to the 2018 hit starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao. Hailing from Jammu, Sunil stands an impressive 7 feet 6 inches tall. A constable in the Jammu and Kashmir Police, Sunil has also dabbled in wrestling and sports, earning his position through the sports quota.
Director Amar Kaushik revealed that the casting team was specifically looking for someone of Sunil’s stature to embody the menacing headless villain, Sarkata. While his imposing physique was used for the body shots, the face of Sarkata was created using CGI.
Sunil’s presence has added a new layer of terror to the horror-comedy, as his character abducts the women of Chanderi, forcing the return of the beloved Stree gang to save the town.
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