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  • Jinx finally has her 2XKO gameplay trailer, and she looks like a long-ranged menace

Jinx finally has her 2XKO gameplay trailer, and she looks like a long-ranged menace

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After a long absense from 2XKO, be it playable demos or even gameplay trailers, Jinx has made a return to Riot Game’s upcoming fighting game courtesy of a new sneak-peak video showcasing her gameplay in-action.

Jinx, who obviously is getting a lot of the spotlight right now due to Arcane Season 2, is featuring in a new video posted to 2XKO socials, just under a minute in length. In it, either your greatest hopes or deepest fears are made real. Jinx looks to be a nasty zoner, able to keep opponents at range with powerful specials and convert these distant hits into lengthy combos.

Here’s the Jinx gameplay trailer for you now!Watch on YouTube

The trailer, which you can watch above, is the first time Jinx has been seen since very, very early gameplay snippets from the game. The character went AWOL for a while, with the developers revealing at Evo 2024 that this was due to feedback on her original kit and a rework required to get her into tip-top shape. Still, she’s here now, and looking pretty good.

The trailer showcase a selection of her supers too, all looking rather bombastic as you’d expect. The game also looks to have some significant changes to its UI, as shown more clearly in this short gameplay trailer on Twitter. Things like the burst and assist indicators are clearer now than they were in the past – a sign of the team taking alpha lab feedback to heart There’s even stuff like assists being usable while you’re down, directional wake-up recovery too!

What do you think of Jinx? Is she looking like the character for you? Let us know below!

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