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  • “It’s likely we’ll add in eventually” Space Marine 2 creative director chips in on Chaos customisation and PvE missions coming to the game

“It’s likely we’ll add in eventually” Space Marine 2 creative director chips in on Chaos customisation and PvE missions coming to the game

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If you’ve been playing Space Marine 2 as of late, you may find yourself among the many keen to see more Chaos space marine content. Be it customisation options for the PvP multiplayer mode, or even some PvE missions to help flesh out the antagonistic faction, there’s a real hunger for some more love for the Warhammer baddies. There may be some good news in the future for you, as Space Marine 2’s creative director has offered some hope for Chaos content over Twitter.

Oliver Hollis-Leick, creative director at Saber Interactive, has spent much of his time in recent days responding to fan questions over the social media platform. It’s through these that insight into future Chaos additions to the game was revealed.

When asked about more customisation and perhaps even PvE content for Chaos in the future, Hollis-Leick responded with the following: “There are a lot of requests for more Chaos customisation so it’s likely we’ll add it eventually. Chaos stories would be cool but we’ll have to see. I’d love to tell their side of the story!”

Customisation options are one thing, but whole new missions would be another large task altogether. Whereas new armour pieces would largely fall in the wheelhouse of the art and animation teams at Saber, dedicated missions would require a lot more legwork. Hollis-Leick confirms as much in additional responses to several similar questions from eager fans.

“It’s actually not that simple. We’d need new animations, proper balancing, full voiceover and script for the chaos marines to make them feel real. It’s a big job.” As it stands right now in the game, the Chaos marines have voice lines specifically for PvP. You’d need to bring those voice actors back, and write them new lines. Creating new missions requires whole teams to jump on board, designing the missions, getting it all working, and as Hollis-Leick states himself, balancing it out to be fun.

While these comments are by no means concrete confirmations that this content will be coming (if we held every dev to all their speculative and optimistic tweets about game dev, many games would never come out), it does perhaps hint towards the game’s financial success. Space Marine 2 already has a roadmap – one lacking any mention of Chaos customisation. If this sort of addition is on the cards, one wonders if that means that the post-release scope has been widened as a resault of the game’s overwhelming popular and critical reception.

You can only hope. Even with the brief amount of character work given to Chaos space marines in the PvP, players love the attitude and presentation on display. If you’d like to see some Chaos space marine love in Space Marine 2, why not let us know below?

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