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  • Helldivers 2’s next Warbond, Chemical Agents, will let you douse bugs in noxious gas as “galactic pest control” and comes with a fart emote

Helldivers 2’s next Warbond, Chemical Agents, will let you douse bugs in noxious gas as “galactic pest control” and comes with a fart emote

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Helldivers 2 developer Arrwhead has revealed the next Warbond that’ll be arriving in the game. It’s called Chemical Agents, and will live up to that name by letting you douse enemies in horrible gas and unleash some similarly toxic odours on your teammates through a fart emote.

The news of this Warbond comes as studio is building to the deployment of Patch 01.001.007 on September 17, which thus far looks to be bringing a heap of buffs in an attempt to get the game’s community back into their happy zone, following recent criticism over nerfs. Here’s hoping the follow-up to the Freedom’s Flame Warbond passes that same smell test.

As outlined in the PS blog post announcing it, Chemical Agents is set to drop on September 19, and offers a bunch of gear themed around the kind of stuff you might don if you were trying to rid the entire galaxy of bacteria using everything you keep in the cupboard under your kitchen sink.

There are two new stratagems – the TX-41 Sterilizer and the AX/TX-13 ‘Guard Dog’ Dog Breath. The former’s a “high-pressure sprayer” that can spew toxic gas at enemies, while the latter’s looks to be an automated sprayer attatched to a drone that’ll fly about and lob corrosive gas at anything you might miss with your handheld weed killer dispenser.

This is a bit different from how previous Warbonds have handled adding offensive gear, with Arrowhead writing: “Adding stratagem variants to Warbonds is new with Chemical Agents, but our designers felt that since gas is a crowd control tool, it made more sense to release stratagems and let Helldivers choose the primary weapons they love the most. Not only that, but this is bringing some serious variety to Chemical Agents that we hope players will enjoy.”

There’s also a few useful utilty weapons sunch as the P-11 Stim Pistol which can heal allies from afar, and the G4 Gas Grenade, which I’d imagine does exactly what you expect. In terms of armours, the AF-50 Noxious Ranger and AF-02 Haz-Master offer lightweight and medum protection respectively, along with useful immunity to toxic gas via the new Advanced Filtration passive.

Rounding out the Warbond is the usual array of banners, capes, and a new paint colour, plus a fart emote. Yes, you read that right, the Warbond about gas comes with the “Natural Gas Extraction” emote that will see one of your teammates pull your finger. There’s also a victory pose they can use to express their digust at your guff. Video games.

Alongside this, today’s patch note reveal for September 17’s update had seen Arrowhead condirm that post-update, the Breaker will have “an extended magazine which holds 16 shells and stagger force increased from 10 to 15”.

Are you desperate to try out the cut some cheese in Helldivers 2 via this new Warbond? Let us know below!

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