
Gnome locations in Fortnite Remix

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Gnomes first appeared in Fortnite all the way back in Chapter 2 and now they’ve returned in Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix along with a selection of old weapons and vehicles and visits from some musical icons. There are 10 gnomes scattered around the island.

Our Fortnite gnome location guide will show where to find every gnome in Fortnite Remix so you can get a big XP boost.

Fortnite Remix gnome locations

There are 10 hidden gnomes hidden around Fortnite Remix’s remixed Chapter 2 map. Each one gets you 20,000 XP for collecting it, which means there’s a total of 200,000 XP just waiting to be found — useful to help you unlock this season’s Battle Pass skins faster. You can collect as many as you want (or as many as you can) in any match, but each gnome can only be collected once — period.

Fortnite Remix gnome 1 — Craggy Cliffs 1

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix gnome location 1

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

In the beachside town of Craggy Cliff, head to the southwest corner. You’re looking for the Big Shots coffee shop on the ground floor of one of the white buildings. You’ll find this gnome behind the counter.

Fortnite Remix gnome 2 — Craggy Cliffs 2

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix gnome location 2

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

To the east of Craggy Cliffs, stay along the north shore of the island. You’re looking for a small beach with a similarly small pier. The next gnome is just to the east of the dock.

Fortnite Remix gnome 3 — Steamy Stacks

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix gnome location 3

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

A bit to the south of Steamy Stacks, look for a large metal tower — a transmission tower for the power lines from Steamy Stacks. You’ll find this gnome directly under it.

Fortnite Remix gnome 4 — Frenzy Farm

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix gnome location 4

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Head southeast from Frenzy Farm until you’re about halfway to Dirty Docks. On the north(west) side of the river, look for a small campsite to find this gnome.

Fortnite Remix gnome 5 — The Doggpound

Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix gnome location 5

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Follow the river southeast from The Doggpound and watch for the tall waterfall. You’ll find this gnome on a cliff next to the waterfall about halfway up.

Fortnite Remix gnome 6 — Weeping Woods

A gnome sits on a dock in Fortnite Remix

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Right in the heart of the Weeping Woods, look for the small pond and the little bridge along its south side (near the playground). You’ll find the next gnome standing on the bridge.

Fortnite Remix gnome 7 — Holly Hedges 1

A gnome stands near a tree in Fortnite Remix

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Look for a tree standing mostly alone straight east of Holly Hedges. You’ll find this gnome standing at the base of it, creepily facing the trunk.

Fortnite Remix gnome 8 — Holly Hedges 2

A gnome stands near a window in Fortnite Remix

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Inside the southeasternmost house in Holly Hedges proper, you’ll find the next gnome right inside the front window standing way too close to the TV.

Fortnite Remix gnome 9 — Misty Meadows

A gnome stands near a bathtub in Fortnite Remix

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

Head up the mountain to the southwest of Misty Meadows. There are three cabins on the way up (before the huge cabin at the top). Head into the middle, medium-sized cabin. You’ll find this creepy gnome in the basement next to a bathtub.

Fortnite Remix gnome 10 — Lazy Lake

A gnome is stuck in the snow by a solar panel in Fortnite remix

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

To the southeast of Lazy Lake, head to the top of the mountain to find the Weather Station landmark. Over on the east side, you’ll find this gnome (upside-down) in the snow next to a solar panel.

Whether these gnome locations will survive the changing season schedule is unknown — but either way, it’s worth grabbing them while you can give you a welcome XP boost.

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