Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina have come together for a special film. Jigra directed by Vasan Bala will see both these actors showcasing their talent on screen. Produced by Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions and Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, the film is slated to release on 11th October 2024. Filmfare’s sources have revealed that the much-awaited teaser of the film will be released next week. Expected to release next week, the film’s teaser will have Alia Bhatt and Vedang Raina at their best, showcasing their acting prowess as siblings on the big screen.
Vedang had earlier revealed in an exclusive chat with Filmfare that Alia and him have very different ways of working. While Alia is effortlessly talented, he said he has to work very hard and prepare well before every scene. The actor further stated that he felt blessed to get an opportunity to work with Alia. We’re super stoked for this duo to take on the big screen, what about you?
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