Stree 2, featuring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao in pivotal roles had its theatrical release on August 15, 2024. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the movie has delighted its audiences for four weeks now. According to recent estimates from Sacnilk, it has beaten Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Hindi version of Pathaan’s record, which stands at 524.53 crores.
Stree 2 has performed impressively in the four weeks since its release. As of the third weekend, the movie has earned approximately 527 crores at the box office in India. It has now become the second highest grossing Hindi film in India. Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan stands with ₹582.31 crores at the first spot. On September 8, it had an occupancy of 15.95% in the morning shows, 38.70% in the afternoon shows, 40.14% in the evening shows, and 24.90% in the night shows.
The movie earned around 8.5 crores on day 24 (fourth Saturday) and 10.75 crores on day 25 (fourth Sunday). It is holding its ground during its fourth week as well. Fans on social media have termed it as a blockbuster, with many predicting it to break further box office records.
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