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  • Blizzard is working with, uh, Blizzard to celebrate World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary with some Overwatch 2 skins

Blizzard is working with, uh, Blizzard to celebrate World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary with some Overwatch 2 skins

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Blizzard is celebrating World of Warcraft’s 20th anniversary this year, and to do so it’s… collaborating with itself by putting some WoW skins in Overwatch 2.

Collabs are all the rage these days for live-service games, but it can be a bit funny when a developer does it with itself – which is exactly what Blizzard has done with its latest one. This coming November is the 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft (I’m so sorry to those of you that have immediately been made to feel old), and so Blizzard has released a fun little trailer announcing the MMO’s collaboration with the developer’s other biggest property, Overwatch. The trailer, which you can check out below, is framed like a theme-park ride, which is almost definitely a reference to the fan favourite map Blizzard World, a theme-park-like map based on, well, you can probably guess.

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“Join the celebration as Overwatch 2 and World of Warcraft unite the realms for a legendary crossover event!” reads the trailer’s description. “Choose to represent the Horde or the Alliance as the mighty heroes of Overwatch honor the iconic characters from the world of Azeroth.” By this, it means there are four skins you’ll be able to grab when the collab drops on September 17, including Reinhardt as The Lich King, Widowmaker as Sylvanas Windrunner, Torbjorn as Magni Bronzebeard, and Zenyatta as Thrall.

This World of Warcraft collab comes as part of Overwatch 2 season 12, a season that introduced the game’s latest support hero Juno, as well as some new maps and Clash mode last month. Nothing else has been revealed about the collab, and whether it’s more than just skins, though considering it kicks off in two days from the time of writing, you probably shouldn’t bet on anything more than skins, if only not to get your hopes up too much.

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