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Anniversary Edition is real and coming out very soon – WGB

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As was previously leaked, Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition is real and it’s ready to blow your shit up on September 26th!

Marking the game’s 25th anniversary, this new edition of the best game in the Worms series boasts a host of improvements across Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5.  There’s no mention of a PC release so far. I’ve reached out to Team17 to see if there’s any comment they can provide.

“This year marks the 25th anniversary of Worms Armageddon and the creators of the game wanted to bring the Armageddon experience to a new generation of players as well as evoke the fond memories of those that played the game when it first came out.” says the official press release.

Perhaps the biggest announcement is full online multiplayer support, letting up to six players battle it out for domination! According to the full press release, online support will be cross-generation, too, so PS5 players can duke it out with PS4 players and so on. Sadly, it doesn’t specify cross-platform multiplayer.

Bringing true online multiplayer into the mix means we can finally experience the immense joy of humiliating your pals by using the greatest attack in all of gaming history to win a match: the dreaded finger poke. Oh, the satisfaction! Has there ever been anything more orgasmic than the moment you gently prod the last remaining enemy worm off a cliff? Well, except for when it happens to your final worm. Then it’s fucking infuriating.

On top of that, the new edition will have:

• Optimized controller support for all consoles. 

• Achievements and Trophies 

• New display features such as modern aspect ratios, custom screen filters, enhanced HD and graphics options. 

• Fully playable Game Boy Color version of Worms Armageddon  

• An interactive museum that charts the history of the entire series. Featuring never-before-seen interviews with developers of the original and current games.

• New save system 

With Armageddon getting the remaster treatment, perhaps we can hold out some hope for Worms 3D getting done as well?

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