Alia took to her social media handle to share some throwback pictures with her father Mahesh Bhatt. The first photo is from Alia’s mehendi ceremony amidst her wedding festivities with Ranbir Kapoor. Mahesh Bhatt can be seen lovingly looking at his daughter. Another picture shows them in a candid moment with their eyes closed.
Check out the post here:
Sharing a heartfelt birthday note, Alia wrote, “Sometimes all you gotta do in life is show up .. you always did and always do/ happy birthday pops/g-pa there’s no one like you.”
Mahesh Bhatt’s wife Soni Razdan also shared throwback pictures of the birthday star. Check it out here:
She wrote, “From the boy I never knew to the gorgeous man I do…. Happy Birthday sweetheart. I wish you many more… can’t imagine life without you in it.”
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