Alia Bhatt’s first collaboration with Sanjay Leela Bhansali in Gangubai Kathiawadi became a turning point in the actress’ career. Alia will once again collaborate with the ace director in Love & War alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal. However, there was another film which was supposed to be Alia and SLB’s first and that is Inshallah which unfortunately got shelved.
Now, the actress has opened up about the film and said that she wants the director to make the film someday. The film also featured Salman Khan.
In a recent interview, Alia said, “I hope he makes the film someday because it is a brilliant story. It is a lovely love story. Whatever Sanjay sir decides will be the best for the film.”
Recently, SLB revealed in an interview that Alia cried and locked herself in a room when Inshallah got shelved. Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia’s film Jigra was recently released in the theatres. It also stars Vedang Raina in a key role. She also has Alpha in the pipeline.
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