On the 12th anniversary of Student Of The Year, Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, and Sidharth Malhotra took to social media to celebrate their remarkable journey in Bollywood. Alia, known for her fun interactions with fans, reposted several fan stories and edits that showcased her 12-year transformation in the industry. Sidharth also joined in by sharing a fan post that highlighted his career, reflecting on the milestones he’s reached.
Meanwhile, Karan Johar added to the celebration by sharing unseen behind-the-scenes photos from the sets of the film, reminiscing about what he called the “best time of his life.” As their careers continue to flourish, Alia prepares for Alpha, Varun gears up for Citadel: Honey Bunny, and Sidharth is rumoured to reunite with wife Kiara Advani for a romantic film.
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